The spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is a challenge for all companies and for the daily operations with our customers and partners. PROHS is attentive and active in the measures that can minimize the spread of the virus. Currently we have already implemented the contingency plan, in order to protect all its employees, customers and suppliers.
We are aware that we work daily for, and with, health institutions, which are already being put to the test, and that PROHS is a rearguard entity of these institutions, so today more than ever we see our work as a mission. In addition to complying with the guidelines issued by the DGS, with effective implementation on March 12, 2020 and until the positive evolution of the current scenario or express indication to the contrary, the following operational measures will come into force temporarily:
- The access of all customers and suppliers to the PROHS facilities is conditioned, namely for meetings, visits, except in indispensable situations;
- All travel of our commercial teams is suspended. We will give preference to methods of communication (videoconferences, email, telephone contact, etc.), that allow us to continue to give our full support;
- Promote telecommuting (working from home) for all functions that allow it, so that our employees are exposed as little as possible;
- Keeping the essential minimum of employees in our facilities for operations that require mandatory presence;
- Distributing masks and gloves to employees working on the company's premises, namely drivers, warehouse and technical assistance employees, for mandatory use in their tasks;
- Our technical assistance service remains active, within certain limitations, and support is evaluated on a case by case basis.
- The production sector, until further notice, maintains its normal operation. We are only conditioned to factors external to PROHS, namely those resulting from the possible closure of borders or measures limiting the transit of goods.
Given the importance that we give to our employees, customers and partners we are aware of the importance that these preventive measures can have in the containment of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Compliance with this entire process will be supervised on a daily basis. We will also be attentive and vigilant to the following recommendations coming from the DGS.
Any exception to the measures described above, will have to be duly agreed and authorized by the PROHS administration.